Montag, 26. Juli 2010

It Just Won't Happen

What make travel account readable, in my opinion, is one thing and one thing only. We don't by books to read about sights other people have seen. That's what the internet is for, and the picture quality is usually better, too. So, why do we (or I, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and assume) spend money on Paul Theroux and Michael Palin. Simple: because of the people they meet and the anecdotes collected along the way. A good bit of sarcasm and not too much self-respect can go a long way as well. Which is why writing a book about my experiences in India is pretty much out of the question. Firstly, cause I'm lazy. But also because although the number of people I met was big, they weren't really out of my comfort zone. Not like the guy I met in Turkey who's been travelling for 2 years now and never keeping still. Or the chef-cook who had given up the management of a star restaurant in California to work on a private yacht.
And in the end, like nearly everything (except Robbie Williams), it's better live anyway.

Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010

Photographic Evidence

For all you without access to a well-known but not to be mentioned social networking site: Impressions of India