Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010

Legal Aliens

After careful study and observation, I have come to following conclusion: foreigners in India can generally be categorised into 3 different, well, categories. Here are the fruits of my labour (not to be enjoyed in all seriousness):
The Expat: the typical expatriate or working foreigner can usually be seen in Western clothes or, at least for women, the more comfortable variety of Indian dress. Never in a Saree. There is also a continuously a mix of disbelief and somewhat grudging appreciation (sometimes even love) on his face as he looks on above the heads of the Indians who are invariably shorter than him. Favourite congregation sites are establishments such as Pizza Hut or Café Coffee Day (the Indian Starbucks).
The Traveller: mostly spotted wearing baggy clothes and more often than not a hairband, this genre can often be seen sporting the tell-tale backpack and looking slightly dazed and overwhelmed. Though loath to enter the abovementioned westernized establishments for fear of marring the “Indian Experience”, you can come across them there guiltily indulging in a chocolate brownie. Comes in groups of two.
The Spiritually Enlightened: without doubt my favourite group, it is full of paradoxes. These are the travellers who come to benefit from the Ashrams and Gurus India has to offer. They are seen almost only in typical Indian dress, more often than not in white (highly practical in this country, I tell you) and barefoot. Yet while affecting to be more Indian than the Indians themselves (they do not, for example, adhere to the unwritten rule among travellers that one foreigner at least acknowledges another in a multitude of natives), they are sticklers for hygiene, refusing to use common plates and sit on the floor as is normal here. For all I know in my ignorance, it might bother their karma.
Please note that these categories are by no means absolute or exclusive.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Die Frage ist jetzt irgendwie offensichtlich, aber: was bist du?

  2. ich bin durcheinander. und nicht zu kategorisieren (aber wenn es sein muss, dann wahrscheinlich nummer 1)
