Freitag, 2. April 2010

Mildew, Mould and Ironing Boards

Since India has so much to offer in terms of material with which to entertain those of us stuck in offices/libraries/cold weather in general, I never DID get around to telling the incident involving jeans, mildew and an iron. Tasty combination, you must agree. What happened was the following: about three weeks after arriving and settling in in my beautiful cell my clothes were attacked by mildew. So, thought I, before slaving away at the washing stone, I shall bring them to the laundry and have them professionally cleaned for 5 rupees a piece. Needless to say, the nice laundry man, in his lungi and without a shirt did not understand even the most elementary English. But still being new to India and its ways, I figured mouldy pants were pretty self-explanatory. In a laundry no less. Not so. I got the jeans back, nicely ironed. But still mouldy. They were, subsequently, the object of much hilarity at the school. I, however, felt more like crying...

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